



文章简要:一般我们在发表论文的时候,都会经过审稿的环节,而有的审稿时间就会比较的漫长,所以就有些作者比较着急,想要催一催审稿人员,这时就会通过写论文催稿信的形式来进行催稿。因此这里也是整理了一些 论文催稿信(中英文)范文 ,给需要的作者参考。 论文催稿信范文一: D




  Dear Editor(s),

  Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “题目” (Manuscript Number: 文章编号), although the status of “Submitted to Journal ” has been lasting for about 多少天 days. I am just wondering if my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?

  I would greatly appreciate it if you could spend some of your time checking the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you about the reviewer's comments. Thank you very much for your consideration.

  Best regards!

  Yours sincerely,


  Dear Editor,

  I am very sorry to disturb you. I am a Ph.D candidate of …, and I will be graduated in May,2012. However, I am worrying about that because I need another accepted or published paper so that I can get the qualification to be graduated. My manuscript(Manuscript Number,MN:…) is still "under review". Could you please improve the review process for me?By the way, I noticed that there are existing "an editorial restructuring" in this journal. Will this impact the review process?Thank you very much for your consideration and help. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Best Regards,

  Your name


  Dear ***

  We submitted a paper entitled " **** " (Manuscript number: **) on Feb 28, 2005. About one month has past, but the manuscript is still under review. I am quite anxious for the current status regarding our paper. And how long dose the review progress last, usually? When can we receive your decision letter?

  Looking forward to yours reply!

  Kind regards.

  Yours sincerely,


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