


cover letter写什么

文章简要:Cover Letter(投稿函),是作者写给期刊编辑的信函,需要简洁扼要地描述自己研究的重要性和新颖性,给期刊编辑留下好的印象,对于文章是否在该英文期刊上发表起到决定性作用。除了目标期刊要求的信息外, cover letter写什么 ?详情如下。 1、说明文章标题和自己所投的

  Cover Letter(投稿函),是作者写给期刊编辑的信函,需要简洁扼要地描述自己研究的重要性和新颖性,给期刊编辑留下好的印象,对于文章是否在该英文期刊上发表起到决定性作用。除了目标期刊要求的信息外,cover letter写什么?详情如下。

cover letter写什么






  具体cover letter范文如下:

  Dear Editor,

  The manuscript entitled “XXX” was prepared following the Instructions for Authors of XXX.

  In the present study, we found that human ### cell line displayed significant growth inhibition after ****(研究对象) knockdown, which possibly resulted from cell cycle arrest and cell apoptosis. As a potential transcriptional factor, *** may regulate the expression of cell cycle or apoptosis related genes. We found that the reduction of *** expression significantly increased the expression of caspase1 and reduced the expression of ###. These latter three genes belong to the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) gene family and their protein products can prevent apoptotic cell death. We concluded that the *** gene silencing via lentivirus could be developed as a candidate for therapy of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma in the near future.

  The authors certify that they have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the appropriateness of the experimental design and method, and the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data. This manuscript has not been published in whole or in part nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere. The authors declare that there are no financial or other relationships that might lead to a conflict of interest of the present article. All authors have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approved it for publication.

  Now, the manuscript is submitting to Oncology Reports and we look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours sincerely,

  XXX, M. D.

  Department of XXX, XXX Hospital, XXX University, Beijing 100730, PR China

  Tel.: (8610) ########;

  Fax: (8610) ########;

  E-mail: .

  cover letter写什么?这篇文章已为大家做出了介绍,而且还为大家附上了范文模板,作者可根据上面内容,撰写文章投稿期刊的cover letter。如果有疑问,或者想要做出指导,可找学术顾问。

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